General Terms and Conditions

1. Participants

  1. For the Culinary Roadtrip, participants register as individual teams. Each participant must be 18 years of age or older at the time of the start.
  2. At least one driver from each team must be in possession of a valid driving license. Even on closed-off terrain, only this driver may drive the vehicle during the road trip. If several passengers are in possession of a valid driving license, it is possible and desirable to change drivers at any time. Appropriate driving licenses must be presented to the organizers on request.
  3. Only those who are fully fit to drive may take part in the road trip. Any impairment of fitness to drive, in particular due to alcohol, drugs or medication, will result in exclusion from the road trip.
  4. Each participant undertakes to follow the instructions of the organizers. In the event of gross violations of these instructions, the participant may be excluded from the road trip. In such a case, there is no entitlement to a refund of the participation fee.
  5. By registering, all participants undertake to comply with the applicable road traffic regulations and the regulations of a cordoned-off area during the entire event. Each participant is personally liable for any administrative penalties, fines or other sanctions imposed on him/her.

2. Vehicles

  1. Each participant undertakes to take part only with road-legal vehicles. It is an advantage to be a member of a car club, such as the ADAC
  2. As most of the event takes place on public roads, only properly registered vehicles (normal license plates, H license plates, red 07 number) that are in a roadworthy and compliant condition may take part. Vehicles with short-term license plates or a red 06 number are not permitted. Foreign license plates are permitted as long as the vehicles also meet the requirements of the StVZO.

3. Participation fee / contents / conclusion of contract

Culinary Roadtrip 2025, East – “Always forwards, never backwards”.

  1. The registration fee for the Culinary Roadtrip 2025 is EUR 1,290.00 for a 2-person team. An entry fee of EUR 650 is due for each additional team member. Additional team members can still be registered up to 1 month before the start of the road trip.
  2. The number of team members is limited to the number of occupants registered in the selected vehicle (i.e. a maximum of five team members for a vehicle with five seats).
  3. The following services are included in the registration fee:
    a) Itinerary for a 14-day road trip
    b) Tour guide by the organizer
    c) 3 overnight stays at campsites, planned and booked in advance by the organizer
    d) Catering at the start and finish events planned by the organizer
    e) Road book, which will be handed out on the start day
    f) a start bundle with all kinds of useful equipment
    g) Support with the organization and planning
    h) Mandy Schulte and Sylvia Neeb are the contact persons for questions before and during the road trip
  4. Not included in the registration fee:
    • a) Accommodation
    • b) Catering
    • c) Drinks
    • d) Technical support (to be organized by the team, e.g. ADAC)
  5. By submitting the registration, the potential participant offers the organizer the binding conclusion of a service contract in accordance with § 611 BGB. The registration is only valid if the registration fee has been successfully credited to Mandy Schulte’s account. Upon successful completion of the registration process and receipt of the registration fee in Mandy Schulte’s account, the team will receive a confirmation of registration via e-mail from the organizer, together with the conditions of participation and cancellation policy. The service contract between the parties is concluded when these documents are sent.
  6. The entry fee will not be refunded if you do not cancel your participation.
  7. The registration fee will not be refunded if the road trip cannot take place due to force majeure, such as natural disasters, unrest or explicit travel warnings issued by the German Foreign Office.
  8. (11) The number of participating teams is limited. The decision to accept the registration is the sole responsibility of the organizer, even if all requirements are met.

4. Withdrawal of the participant

  1. In the event of withdrawal by the participant, the entry fees will be refunded in full up to 6 months before the start of the road trip. In the event of withdrawal by the participant, 50% of the entry fees will be refunded up to 3 months before the start of the road trip. In the event of withdrawal by the participant, the entry fees will not be refunded after 3 months before the start of the road trip. The reason for this regulation is that immediately after registration, the organizer already provides services that are subject to a charge. These include both the services according to § 4 para. 3 of these conditions of participation as well as additional services such as rental of event locations, purchase contracts on the part of the organizer, etc. By registering, the participant expressly agrees to this procedure.
  2. The provisions on statutory revocation and its consequences remain unaffected by the aforementioned provision.
  3. By registering, the participant expressly agrees to the fact that the organizer will begin to perform the service owed before the end of the withdrawal period.
  4. Even in the event of an effective revocation, the participant is obliged to pay compensation for the value of the service provided up to the point of revocation.
  5. By registering, the participant expressly agrees to this procedure.
  6. Until the start of the event, the participating team may transfer its starting place to a third party after consultation with the organizer. This requires the express written permission of the organizer. Any additional costs incurred as a result shall be borne by the team originally entitled to participate.

5. Withdrawal and termination by the organizer

The organizer may withdraw from the contract before the start of the event or terminate the contract after the start of the event in the following cases:

5.1 Up to four weeks before the start of the road trip

  1. If the minimum number of 20 teams is not reached.
  2. In any case, the organizer is obliged to inform the participants immediately after the conditions for not holding the event have arisen and to send them the declaration of withdrawal without delay. The participants will be refunded the entry fees paid immediately.

5.2 Without observing a deadline

If the participant persistently disrupts the organization of the event, behaves unfairly towards other participants or behaves in such a manner contrary to the contract or the law that the immediate cancellation of the contract is justified. In such a case, the organizer retains the right to the entry fee; however, he must allow the value of the saved expenses and the benefits that he obtains from any other use of the unused services, including the amounts paid to him by service providers, to be offset.

5.3 Cancellation of the contract due to exceptional circumstances

  1. Cancellation of the contract due to exceptional circumstances
    • (1) If the event is made considerably more difficult, endangered or impaired as a result of extraordinary circumstances not foreseeable at the time the contract was concluded, the organizer may terminate the contract. This shall apply in particular in the event of refusal of permits by the authorities, or if permits have been granted but are subject to excessive conditions, natural disasters, unrest or current terrorist threats.
    • (2) If the contract is terminated, the organizer may demand reasonable compensation for the services already rendered or still to be rendered at the end of the event. If such a case occurs, this shall not justify any claims of the participants against the organizer.
    • (3) Any additional costs incurred if the event is canceled after the start of the event shall be borne by the participant.
  2. Services not utilized
  3. If a participant does not make use of individual services provided by the organizer, there is no entitlement to a pro rata or full refund of the entry fees.

6. Responsibility and liability of the organizer

  1. The organizer reserves the right to make necessary changes and additions to the invitation to tender and the program and schedule of the road trip, or to cancel the event if this is necessary due to extraordinary circumstances, without assuming any liability for damages. Intent and gross negligence are excluded from this.
  2. In the event of violations that could disrupt the orderly course of the event or endanger the safety of the other participants, the organizer is entitled to exclude the participant concerned from the event at any time. An exclusion can also be pronounced if a participant violates the regulations or the general sporting rules during the event. This applies in particular to non-compliance with these conditions of participation.
  3. The organizer shall be liable within the scope of its duty of care for the conscientious preparation of the event and the proper provision of the contractually agreed service.

7. Responsibility of participants, limitations and exclusions of liability

  1. Drivers and co-drivers undertake to follow the instructions of the organizer, the organization and road trip management and their representatives.
  2. Each participant undertakes to take out international health insurance, including repatriation, for the duration of the event. The health insurance must be submitted to the organizer in writing.
  3. Participants acknowledge that the condition of roads on secondary routes is unpredictable and can vary greatly. As some of the roads may be gravel roads, you must always drive with increased attention and at an appropriate speed in order to avoid damage to vehicles and people.
  4. The organizer assumes no liability for health risks of the participant in connection with participation in the event. Each participant is obliged to check their health requirements for participation by consulting a doctor, if necessary, and to provide evidence of this to the organizer upon request.
  5. The organizer accepts no liability for the vehicles used or parts thereof. Furthermore, it accepts no liability for lost valuables or equipment.
  6. The organizer is not liable for reductions in performance that occur because the participant is prevented from participating in whole or in part due to legal regulations and/or official orders.
  7. Each participant understands and acknowledges that participation in the road trip involves potential hazards. Driving long distances in unfamiliar surroundings increases the risk of accidents that can lead to serious injury and even death. Participants (drivers, co-drivers) take part in the road trip at their own risk. They bear sole responsibility under civil and criminal law for any damage caused by them or the vehicle they are using.
  8. The participants hereby waive all claims of any kind for damages arising in connection with the event against
    • a) the own driver, co-driver
    • b) the other participants (driver, co-driver)
    • c) the organizer and his employees
    • d) service providers and all other persons associated with the organization of the event.
    • The waiver of liability does not apply to damages resulting from injury to life, limb or health, to other damages resulting from an intentional or grossly negligent breach of duty by the liable party, or to damages resulting from the breach of a material contractual obligation (i.e. an obligation whose fulfillment is essential for the proper execution of the contract and whose fulfillment can be regularly relied upon) by the liable party. In the event of damage resulting from a slightly negligent breach of a material contractual obligation, liability for financial loss and damage to property is limited to the amount of typical, foreseeable damage.
    • The waiver of liability applies to claims based on any legal grounds, in particular to claims for damages arising from contractual and non-contractual liability and to claims for damages in tort. Tacit exclusions of liability remain unaffected by the above exclusion of liability clause.
  9. Tacit exclusions of liability remain unaffected by the above liability clauses.
  10. Claims for damages by the participant due to a defect shall lapse one year after delivery of the service.
  11. The organizer is not liable for traffic violations or customs incidents of the participants.
  12. Current country-specific travel and safety instructions must be checked and observed by each participant at all times. In border areas, difficulties in crossing borders cannot be ruled out. The organizer cannot be held responsible or liable for border closures and the associated inability to cross borders.

8. Application of the conditions of participation

  1. The organizer is responsible for the application of these regulations during the road trip.
  2. Any case not provided for in these regulations will be investigated by the organizer and decided at his discretion.

9. Media coverage

  1. The team hereby confirms that all property rights and copyrights arising in connection with the road trip, such as the name, logo, format, film and photo material of the road trip, belong exclusively to the organizer.
  2. By registering and participating in the road trip, all team members are “persons of public interest” and hereby agree that their names, photos, film footage, vehicles, etc. may be used and passed on in digital media, in print media and on television.

10. Duty to cooperate

  1. The participant is obliged to cooperate within the framework of the statutory provisions to avoid or minimize any damage in the event of service disruptions.
  2. In particular, the participant is obliged to inform the road trip management immediately of any complaints. The latter is instructed to take remedial action if this is possible.

11. Exclusion of claims and statute of limitations

  1. The participant must assert claims against the organizer for non-contractual provision of services within one month of the contractually agreed end of the event.
  2. After expiry of the deadline, the participant may assert claims if he/she was prevented from meeting the deadline through no fault of his/her own.
  3. Claims of the participant against the organizer, regardless of the legal grounds, shall become time-barred one year after the contractually agreed end of the event. If the participant has asserted claims, the limitation period shall be suspended until the day on which the organizer rejects the claims in writing.

12. Entry, passport, visa and health regulations

  1. The participant is responsible for complying with all regulations and laws applicable to participation in the event with regard to entry, passport, visa and health regulations.
  2. All disadvantages arising from non-compliance shall be borne by the customer.
  3. The organizer accepts no liability for any claims arising from this.

13. Invalidity of individual provisions

  1. Should individual provisions of these Terms and Conditions of Participation be or become legally invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. In such a case, the parties are obliged to replace the legally invalid provision with a legally permissible provision that is compatible with the other provisions of these Conditions of Participation and comes as close as possible to the economic content of the invalid provision.

14. Data collection

  1. The personal data provided by participants when registering will be stored and processed solely for the purposes of organizing and running the event. This also applies to the data required for payment processing (§ 28 Federal Data Protection Act). By registering, the participant consents to the storage of data for this purpose.
  2. The participant agrees to the disclosure of his/her personal data (name and address only), e.g. for the purpose of sending photos of the participant on the course, at the start or at the finish, which are produced by a company commissioned by the organizer. However, the participant does not hereby declare that he/she wishes to purchase such a photo.
  3. The participant agrees that the personal data collected (such as first name and surname, place of residence, year of birth or age, team name and start number) may be used for the purpose of presenting the team or driver in all print media relevant to the event and in all electronic media such as the Internet.
  4. In addition, the participant agrees to the publication of the data mentioned under § 18 para. 3 with regard to the public display or the public announcement of results such as lists of participants or results lists.
  5. The participant may object in writing to the disclosure and publication of his/her personal data to the organizer.

15. Miscellaneous

  1. The conclusion of the contract is a service contract in accordance with § 611 BGB.
  2. The event on which the service contract is based is not a race or other competition aimed at achieving the highest possible speeds, the order of arrival at a destination or riding parts of the route in the shortest possible time.
  3. Each team ensures that neither the team itself nor any team member makes offensive or derogatory statements or participates in any activities that are potentially derogatory or damaging to the reputation and image of the organizer, the road trip or its partners.
  4. Place of performance and jurisdiction
  5. (1) The place of performance is Troisdorf.
  6. (2) The place of jurisdiction for all actions arising from this contractual relationship shall be the court with local jurisdiction for Troisdorf, insofar as this is legally permissible.

16. Cancellation policy

16.1 Right of withdrawal

You can revoke your contractual declaration within 14 days without giving reasons by means of a clear declaration. The period begins after receipt of this instruction on a durable medium. To comply with the revocation period, it is sufficient to send the revocation in good time if the declaration is made on a durable medium (e-mail). The revocation is to be sent to:

  • E-mail address: buchung(ät)culinaryroadtrip(punkt)de

16.2 Consequences of revocation

  • In the event of an effective revocation, the services received by both parties must be returned. You are obliged to pay compensation for the value of the service provided up to the time of revocation if you were informed of this legal consequence before submitting your contractual declaration and have expressly agreed that we may begin to perform the service in return before the end of the revocation period. If there is an obligation to pay compensation, this may mean that you still have to fulfill the contractual payment obligations for the period up to the revocation. Your right of withdrawal expires prematurely if the contract has been completely fulfilled by both parties at your express request before you have exercised your right of withdrawal. Obligations to reimburse payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. The period begins for you when you send your declaration of revocation and for us when we receive it.
Culinary Roadtrip